woensdag 4 april 2012

Cooking & Baking #3

American pancakes

  • 135 gram bloem
  • 1 tl bakpoeder
  • 1/2 tl zout
  • 130 ml melk
  • 1 geklopt ei
  • 2 el gesmolten boter

1. Meng alle ingrediënten
2. Neem een pan met antiaanbaklaag. Het vuur moet op medium, en doe een
    klontje boter in de pan.
3. Er kunnen 2 / 3 pancakes per pan, dus maak ze niet te groot!
4. Wacht tot er belletjes ontstaan aan de bovenkant, of tot het beetje verkleurd
    en draai ze dan voorzichting om
5. Ze zijn klaar als allebei de kanten mooi bruin zijn, ze zullen 1 cm dik zijn.

Eet smakelijk!

 x M.

dinsdag 17 januari 2012


Beetje laat voor een nieuwjaarsblog
maar waarom ook niet?

We zullen maar beginnen met:
gelukkig nieuwjaar voor jullie allemaal! :)

Ik heb het idee dat 2012 een geweldig jaar gaat worden
Tot nu toe is het eigenlijk al geweldig
Er zijn echt zoveel leuke dingen om naar uit te kijken
voor de meeste het eindexamen, eindelijk klaar met de middelbare
en de eindexamenreis natuurlijk



en er zijn nog andere geweldige dingen die ik dit jaar ga doen
maar als die zijn gebeurd zal ik er over bloggen :)

So, happy new year en maak er iets onvergetelijks van!

x Milou

woensdag 16 november 2011


In the end, it doesn't matter with who we've been, what we meant to others. In the end, we will all stand alone, we will all die alone. That's okay. What's really important is who we've been in our own eyes. What we meant to ourselves.
In the end we wonder: Have I lived a happy life? Some may say yes where others say no. But what is a happy life? Do we ever find true happiness? Isn't that what we are all searching for? Luck, love, friendship. Maybe, we're not as tiny and useless as we think. Maybe we all do make a difference, somehow and somewhere maybe.
Maybe is a funny word, it's yes nor no. Maybe I'll die tomorrow so this will be the last words I have typed. Maybe I will find my true love and live happily ever after. Which brings us back to happiness.
Sometimes your eyes fall on something so beautiful. Almost too good to be true and it's within your reach. When you get it you feel happier than ever, then you suddenly realize it's not that pretty you thought it would be. You'll suddenly have to face complications. Things that can ruin all your happiness and it makes you feel confused. What happened to that beautiful vision I saw in the beginning? Where did it go? Where can I find it?
Lots of people give up at this very moment, they are lost in their questions and doubts. The most difficult part of life is that you never know if you choose the right or the wrong way. When you are facing a decision regardless the importance, you can never see what will happen in the future. 
I have faced difficult decisions and you know, it made me believe there are no good or wrong choices. I believe you'll always end up where you belong, no matter how difficult the road that lead to it has been, in the end everything will be all right. You'll look back and smile, knowing that all the pain and sorrow you've been trough, helped you to become a better person. Someone once said to me: Never, regret anything you say or do, because it's part of who you are and you are beautiful just the way you are. At that time you felt like you had to say or do that and so you did. That's good. Don't you ever hold back or let people tell you what's wrong or right because everything you do is good. It's all part of the story, it was meant to be.
I think she was right, therefore I don't regret anything I say or do. It's who I am and I am happy. 

Are you?

dinsdag 15 november 2011


Het leven wordt pas echt leuk door de spontane dingen die je doet

woensdag 2 november 2011

Microsoft word

'Waarom kent word woorden zoals Hitler en Socrates niet?'
'Omdat word Joods is en niet van te slimme mensen houdt.'